Stoma Appliance Customisation (SAC)
Stoma Appliance Customisation (SAC) is the third Advanced Service to be introduced into the English Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework (CPCF). The service involves the customisation of a quantity of more than one stoma appliance, based on the patient’s measurements or a template. The aim of the service is to ensure proper use and comfortable fitting of the stoma appliance and to improve the duration of usage, thereby reducing waste. The stoma appliances that can be customised are listed in Part IXC of the Drug Tariff.
If on the presentation of a prescription for such an appliance, a community pharmacy contractor is not able to provide the service, because the provision of the appliance or the customisation is not within the pharmacist’s normal course of business, the prescription must, subject to patient consent, be referred to another pharmacy contractor or provider of appliances. If the patient does not consent to the referral, the patient must be given the contact details of at least two pharmacies or suppliers of appliances who are able to provide the appliance or the stoma appliance customisation service, if contact details are known to the pharmacist. The local NHS England team may provide the information or it may be established by the pharmacist.