Virtual Outcomes


Virtual Outcomes FREE training for Community Pharmacies in the Humber LPC area

As part of our ongoing programme of training, Community Pharmacy Humber has invested in an online training solution for all pharmacies. The courses are designed to support the pharmacy team to ensure the best outcomes for patients.

The training is provided by Virtual Outcomes and can be accessed at any time. The courses are Free to all contractors and their teams. There are several courses available in the following areas which can be accessed at work or at home via a PC, tablet or mobile device:

Community Pharmacy Humber Courses:

  • National Public Health Campaign
  • New Five Year Pharmacy Contract
  • Pharmacy Quality Scheme
  • NHS Community Pharmacist Consultation Service
  • Pharmacy Team Training
  • Registered Pharmacy Professional Training
  • Healthy Living Pharmacy
  • Medicines Counter Assistant Course
  • NHS Pharmacy First
  • Discharge Medicines Service
  • Gastroenterology
  • Re-print old certificates
All your team needs to access the training is your F Code and they will be able to see the courses available.

Features & Benefits of the Online Training:

  • Access is FREE to all Humber contractors.
  • Most courses are short 15-25 minutes.
  • Certificate of completion – to go in Healthy Living Pharmacy and/or GPhC file as evidence of continued staff training.
  • Links to websites for resources to support campaigns are on the website and easy to access hints and tips on how to set up HLP Health Zones.
  • New staff will be able to access ALL the courses available.
  • Training on CPCF, PQS, HLP, Pharmacy First, Hypertension, PCS, and much more…


Contractors were sent a welcome pack in the post when the service launched, the poster and easy guide is available below and there is a space on the poster for you to add your F Code which can then be displayed within your pharmacy as a reminder to staff.

Access the Training: 

Click the link to access the training:

Click the link to view the training calendar: Training Calendar – Virtual Outcomes

Not sure how to record all the training completed by the pharmacy team? Then click here to download the FREE VirtualOutcomes Continuing Professional Development (CPD) tracker.