Care Navigation

Care Navigation – Now live in North East Lincolnshire, North Lincolnshire and East Riding of Yorkshire

The GP Forward View (GPFV) identified 10 High Impact Changes that GP Practices could adopt to help release capacity for their doctors and allow them more time with their patients.  Active Signposting is one of the 10 High Impact Changes.  Across North East Lincolnshire CCG, North Lincolnshire CCG and East Riding of Yorkshire CCG, practices will be implementing “Care Navigation” over the coming months.

Receptionists and clerical staff have recently been trained; to help them to help patients identify the most appropriate place for their care. Through this specialist care navigation training, the practice teams will be able to offer patients more choice with regards to who is the best health care professional to see in order to help support that patient with their own particular, individual needs. This could either be internally within the practice or with an external service or organisation.

Community Pharmacy has been chosen as one of the top alternatives that have been identified for signposting patients to within all three areas identified above. As a result of this there may be an increase in the number of patients being navigated to Community Pharmacy and in particular with regards to Minor Ailments. Therefore, can all pharmacies who are contracted to deliver MAS please make sure that they are up to date with the service criteria and that they have updated their page on NHS choices to show that they provide this service.

Care Navigators will never offer clinical advice or triage; this new way of working is about offering the choice to see other specialists in the practice team and outside the practice, such as the minor ailments service within Community Pharmacy.

By working this way, it helps to free up time for GPs to care for patients with complex or serious health conditions that can only be managed by the GP.  More importantly though, it means people are seen by the clinician or other health professional that is best placed to manage their clinical or non-clinical problem.  The choice will always be decided by the patients and they will never be refused a GP appointment.

The services that GPs will be navigating to in the three localities are outlined below. We encourage all pharmacies to look at the other services identified within ‘Care Navigation’ as you are able to signpost clients onto these services rather than referring back to GP as a default position.

A video explaining Care Navigation:

North East Lincolnshire North Lincolnshire East Riding of Yorkshire


Community Pharmacy


Community Pharmacy


Community Pharmacy


Open Minds (Mental Health)


Talking Therapies


IAPT (Mental Health)


Live Well – Wellbeing Service


Community Wellbeing


Community Link Workers


Sexual Health Service


Sexual Health Service




Pregnancy Advisory Service


Support for Carers




Healthy Lifestyle Service


Urgent Treatment Centres



Briefing note in pdf format for printing/sharing:

Briefing note for Community Pharmacy – Care Navigation in Humber