
NHS England will provide pharmacies with lists of sources of care and support in the area. Pharmacies will be expected to help people who ask for assistance by directing them to the most appropriate source of help.

Service Specification

Click on the link below to download the Service Specification for Essential Service 5 – Signposting:

Signposting Service Specification

Visit CPE for more information and related resources.

Find Local Services on NHS UK:

Click here and search by GP, Urgent Care, Hospitals or Dentists or click the link to view a Full A-Z list.

NHS Service Finder:

NHS Service Finder is a free online search tool which provides access to information from the Directory of Services (DoS) and It is not accessible by the public, but it does allow pharmacy team members and other healthcare professionals to search for service information quickly, allowing a patient to be signposted to the most appropriate service for their needs. The system includes maps and directions to the services, plus the ability to email service information directly to your patient.Visit CPE for more info on NHS Service Finder, including factsheets, briefings, and posters.

MECC Link Online Signposting Tool:

Please see below a link to an excellent online signposting tool that can be used by all contractors for Lifestyle services within your locality.

This tool has been provided by The Yorkshire & Humber Public Health Network and is part of the Making Every Contact Count agenda.

Add the link to your desktop / tablets today and you will have all available signposting data available to you for all your clients should you need to signpost onto lifestyle services within your area.

New urgent treatment services available for ERoY residents from 4th April 2018:

New urgent treatment services available for ERoY

Hull & East Yorkshire Mind Services:

For information on mental health support services in Hull and East Yorkshire, and general advice and guidance around mental health call Hull and East Yorkshire Mind’s Information Line on 01482 240133 or email on

Healthy Hearts website launched to help reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke for people at greatest risk:

August 2019. A new website has been launched to help improve heart health: Healthy Hearts website

Domestic Abuse

Safe Spaces Initiative

Ask ANI code word initiative

Health and Wellbeing Services

Migration Information Hub:

Migration Yorkshire has developed a free regional resource to help keyworkers and services to support migrants, and people with English as a second language, during the coronavirus pandemic.

Migrant Info Hub offers a wide range of shareable information and translated resources, produced by a variety of specialist organisations and community groups, covering COVID-19 and life in COVID times for people with specific migrant experiences. There are resources in more than 100 languages, organised by topic, language and date published.