Medication Support Service (MSS) ER

Following a recent service review. This service will closed to new patients from the 1st April 2024.  The service will continue to be funded for existing patients until 31st March 2025.

From the 1st April 2024 it will also not be possible for any more pharmacies to sign up to this service.


NHS England on behalf on ER CCG

Service Period:

This agreement is for the period 1st July 2021 – 31st March 2025

The ERoY Medication Support Service (MSS) replaces the old EL23 service in the ERoY area.

If you require a copy of the Service Specification or Service Contract, please contact to request a copy.

Please note most service specification documents are hosted and downloadable from the PharmOutcomes Service platform.


All claims for this service should be made through PharmOutcomes. Please familiarise yourself with the platform prior to delivering the service.

Please note: referrals of clients into this service will be sent to you electronically through PharmOutcomes: please ensure you check this regularly throughout the day for any referrals.

Two platforms are used for this service:

  1. Medicine support service acceptance and assessment in Pharmacy Platform (only used once per client at the start of their journey)

This is a Referral Follow-up Service platform, and will not appear on your service links. Any referrals will be received, actioned, accepted, assessed, and recorded through this platform.

  1. Medication Support Service (MSS): Monthly Claim platform

You must use this platform monthly to claim any fees associated with this service for clients already accepted: Please familiarise yourself with its layout etc…

Aims and intended outcomes of the service:

  • To support independent living.
  • To help people manage their medicines safely and appropriately.
  • To reduce wastage of medicines.
  • To improve patient compliance with therapy by:
    o improving the patient’s understanding of their medicines;
    o identifying practical problems in taking their medicines and where appropriate providing
    extra support;
    o Identifying changes to medication where this will improve compliance
    o monitoring, reviewing and amending the support given

Accessing the service:

For the patient to access the Medicines Support Service the patient would need to go through the social care process, have a Fullers Assessment carried out and then be referred by the social care team to NECs if appropriate and eligible. The service is aimed at patients who have a package of care in place and are currently receiving medication calls.

If you have a patient who is struggling with their meds, the first point of call would be for the pharmacy to raise the concerns with the GP practice so that they can do a full holistic structured medication review to try and lessen the medication burden.

If the General Practice/ Practice Pharmacist doing the review thinks further intervention is necessary, they should refer to Social Services if the above criteria are met.


Appendix 5 resource pack for medication support service V1