Opening Hours
Pharmaceutical list of opening hours, provided by The Humber and North Yorkshire ICB:
Humber Pharmacy Opening Hours – 10.1.25
A pharmacy normally has 40 core contractual hours (or 100 for those that have opened under the former exemption from the control of entry test), which cannot be amended without the consent of NHS England, together with supplementary hours, which are all the additional opening hours, which can be amended by the pharmacy subject to giving three months notice (or less if NHS England consents).
Visit CPE for more info on the following:
- Amendment to notice periods required for changing supplementary hours
- Further information on opening hours can be found below.
- Click on a heading below for more information.
- Pharmacy opening hours
- Changes to core contractual hours
- Changes to supplementary hours
- Planned temporary suspension of pharmaceutical services
- Unplanned temporary suspension of pharmaceutical services
- Bank holiday opening hours
- FAQs
- Community Pharmacy England resources
- Other resources
Please continue to report any failures to open via the Failure to Open platform on PharmOutcomes, this will send an alert to NHS England for you.
Your local NHS England area team can be contacted on:
Address: NHS England Yorkshire and Humber, Unit 3 Alpha Court, Monks Cross, York, YO32 9WN