Enrolling on a PharmOutcomes Service

This guide will show you how to enrol on a PharmOutcomes service that requires a CPPE Declaration of Competency to be competed before you can access the service.  You must first have completed your Declaration of Competency, following this guide.

Step 1 – Log in to PharmOutcomes

PharmOutcomes Login


Step 2 – Selecting a service brings up enrolment

PharmOutcomes Enrol me

Instead of seeing the service you wish to deliver you will first be presented with a drop down list of practitioners authorised to provide the service.  To be able to provide the service you must first complete the enrolment requirements for that service. Click Enrol me to start the enrolment process.


Step 3 – Complete the Enrolment

PharmOutcomes Enrolment Q

Complete you details and check your surname matches your CPPE registered account name.  Click Confirm with CPPE to access your Declaration of Competence.

PharmOutcomes Enrolment Signed

If your have completed your Declaration of Competence and downloaded it, the system will retrieve the date you downloaded the Declaration of Competence Statement.  In the next field record the date you signed your Statement and answer the questions about the use of non-CPPE learning resources.

Click Enrol to complete your enrolment.


Step 4 – Provide the service

You should now be able to re-enter the service and select your name from the drop down list of authorised practitioners.