North Lincolnshire
Current Services in North Lincolnshire
Click the links on the left for more information on the following active services:
Locally Commissioned/Public Health Services
- Sexual Health
- Supervised Consumption
- Needle & Syringe Exchange Scheme (NX)
- Optoms referral into Hypertension Case Finding Service Pilot
- Community Pharmacy Walk in Consultation Service (WiCS3) Pilot Ended 19.2.25
NHS England Enhanced Services (Co-commissioned with CCG)
- Minor Ailments Scheme (MAS)
- Palliative Care
- OOH Palliative Care Service
- Point of Dispensing Intervention Service (PODIS) Ended 31.3.24
- Tuberculosis Medication Directly Observed Therapy (TB DOT) Ended 31.3.24