SGM 2023
Special Contractor Meeting to Amend LPC constitution:
Proposals to update the LPC model constitution, and in parallel for contractors to consider the future size and footprint of their LPC(s), were made by the Review Steering Group (RSG) which itself followed from the Wright review, and supported by an overwhelming majority of community pharmacy contractors in a national vote in June 2022.
PSNC has drafted a new model constitution for Local Pharmaceutical Committees (LPCs), which Humber LPC recommends to you. I attach the proposed amended constitution. The main changes are.
Adopting the new constitution, including the border review outcome resulting in the decision to adopt collaborative working with North Yorkshire LPC within the HNY ICB. The PSNC new Model Constitution is attached.
Delay committee member elections by three months to enable all the above to be in place before the election cycle.
The constitution can only be adopted at a special meeting, where we are required to seek your approval by ballot of pharmacy contractors to proceed with all our local changes in their totality. You are entitled to cast one vote for each of the pharmacy contractor premises you have in the North Yorkshire LPC area.
This will take place at 7pm on the 14th of March 2023 via Teams
If you wish to attend the virtual SGM to discuss the proposals and vote in person, please contact and let us know by Noon on 13th March 2023.
You will find a collection of useful reference documents on this page that will provide background information to aid your decision making:
CPH Notice-of-a-Special-Meeting-of-Contractors-to-amend-the-LPC-Constitution
CPH Outline-of-the-main-changes-to-the-Model-LPC-Constitution
CPH SGM-agenda-to-make-changes-to-the-LPC-Constitution
CPH TAPR Proposal for LPC consideration – Final
CPH-Proposed Constitution-2023 FINAL
CPH LPC-Current Constitution-2014-final-amended-September-2021
CPH LPC-SGM-template-for-electronic-voting-Indies + AIMp-only 2023
CPH LPC-SGM-template-for-electronic-voting-Indies + AIMp-only 2023(word)
Next Steps:
We do hope you are available to join us for the special meeting.
If you are unable to attend the meeting, you can use the appropriate form to allow you to register your vote by email or post. Votes cast by these methods must be received by Noon on 13th March 2023.
We need your support to make sure that we can continue to represent you equitably and effectively and to ensure that we continue to have the best team working on your behalf. Please vote Yes to the changes we have proposed.
Please note you must be the pharmacy owner or authorised by them to cast your vote.
If you wish to attend the virtual SGM to discuss the proposals and vote in person, please contact and let us know by Noon on 13th March 2023.