Pharmacy Vision Update – Sept 2023
Leading health think tanks set out vision for pharmacies:
Nuffield Trust and The King’s Fund have today published ‘A Vision for Community Pharmacy’, setting out how community pharmacies’ role in healthcare could be expanded over the next decade, with the right investment and support.
In their Vision, the think tanks describe a transformation of the community pharmacy sector, focusing on how pharmacies can help to address key policy goals around population health, prevention and the increasing demand in primary care. They also explore the barriers to achieving this vision, and the enablers which will help make progress towards it.
Read the full CPE update here.
CPE want to facilitate conversations on the way ahead to increase the number of advocates for the sector. You can get behind our campaign by using the resources below when talking or writing to your local MPs, ICS leaders, or patient groups. Please use #PharmaciesOfTomorrow on social media.
Briefing: Community Pharmacies: A Vision – A summary of the Vision report and Community Pharmacy England’s action plan.
Animations describing the detail of the Vision report what happens next:
Infographics outlining what the pharmacies of the future may look like:
For further information, please visit the CPE Vision webpage.