Changes to the Terms of Service in 2020
Some of these changes relate to the coronavirus pandemic, but most are changes which were previously agreed as part of the 5-year Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework (CPCF) and were originally planned to be introduced in July 2020.
NHSE&I guidance for contractors on new regulations
Regs reminders
Community Pharmacy England issued a series of reminders about the changes to the pharmacy Terms of Service that took place in late 2020. Community pharmacy contractors are advised to review these reminders in preparation for completing the Community Pharmacy Assurance Framework (CPAF) surveys, which will include questions on the new Terms of Service.
1) Access to SCR
2) Updating NHS website profiles
3) NHSmail
4) Updating DoS profiles
5) Health campaigns
6) EPS access
7) Pandemic Treatment Protocol
8) Flexible provision of flu or coronavirus vaccinations
9) CAS alert sign-up
10) Commencement notices and contractors entering administration
11) NHSE&I inspections and access to electronic information
12) Facilitating remote access to pharmacy services
13) HLP requirements
14) Consultation rooms and remote consultations