Code of Conduct
April 2018
Function of the Local Pharmaceutical Committee
Local Pharmaceutical Committees (LPCs) are bodies recognised under NHS legislation with a duty to represent the NHS pharmacy contractors in the LPC area. The LPC is funded by the contractors it represents and is accountable to those contractors for the work that it does on their behalf and for the effective and economical use of LPC funds. High standards of corporate and personal conduct are a requirement for the LPC and its members and all aspects of the LPC’s operations must be open to critical scrutiny. The LPC has to be consulted by the NHS England Area Team on all matters relating to the terms of service and contracts for community pharmacy.
The LPC is here to represent the interests of community pharmacy contractors and to help and advise them on all NHS matters. Its primary aim is to accurately reflect and put forward the professional views and aspirations of all pharmacists engaged in community pharmacy that provide NHS pharmaceutical services in the East Riding & Hull and North & North East Lincolnshire areas; and to improve pharmaceutical services to the local population of these areas.
The LPC is involved in local negotiations for additional services such as out of hours services, medication reviews, supply of emergency hormonal contraception/sexual health services, health promotion, medicines management, weight management, NRT therapy services/smoking cessation, supervised consumption of medication, needle and syringe exchanges when local policy and funding allows.
The LPC believes that community pharmacists have a significant role to play in meeting local healthcare needs. The Secretariat Officers and the Committee Members will actively pursue any issue that affects or is likely to impact on local pharmacy services. The work and agenda of the committee will always be directed to protect and enhance the interests of contractors and the customers and patients they serve.
This document sets out the standards of conduct, accountability and openness expected of the Secretariat Staff and members of the committee. Its aim is to ensure that everyone understands the way they are expected to work.
All committee members, co-opted members and employees of the Humber Local Pharmaceutical Committee will be asked to sign a declaration confirming that they have read this code, understand it and agree to abide by it.
To view full document please click here.