PNA (Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment)
February update 2025:
The contractor questionnaires used to inform the new PNAs in Hull & NL are now live and contractors will have received the information by email.It is anticipated that the PNAs will be published by the 1st of October 2025, therefore it is important that all contractors help to gather/confirm important information to support the development of these documents by the deadlines advised.
This is your chance to ensure your contracted hours, that you will be held to, are correct. All of this will inform the potential for new contracts especially with the changes in our estate in recent years, not engaging and not supplying the information could lead to new competition…CCA/IPA/Multiples please make sure your support offices are aware.
North Lincolnshire:
Please click the link below to complete the questionnaire:
The questionnaire will be available for completion until Tuesday the 11th of February 2025.
Please click the link below to complete the questionnaire:
The questionnaire will be available for completion until Friday the 14th of February 2025.
Please click the link below to complete the questionnaire:
The questionnaire will be available for completion until Thursday the 6th of March 2025.
We are currently awaiting details of the ERoY questionnaire, we expect the survey to be a similar format to those for the other areas. Please keep a check on your inboxes as we expect the survey to be out very soon.
Please click the links below for more information on the current PNA’s for 2022-25 for the areas covered by Humber LPC:
East Riding of Yorkshire – PNA
Hull – PNA
North Lincolnshire – PNA
North East Lincolnshire – PNA
Visit CPE for more info on the following:
Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment
- PNA Guidance for LPCs
- Guidance on PNAs for Health and Wellbeing Boards
- Next publication date of PNAs
- Background
- Pharmaceutical Needs Assessments (PNAs)
- Market Entry and PNAs
- The role of LPCs in PNA development
- FAQs
- Related resources