Virtual Outcomes: Atrial Fibrillation & Hypertension Case-Finding Service Courses
New Virtual Outcomes Course available: Atrial Fibrillation
VO have launched a new course looking at AF to raise awareness in the pharmacy team. This is also linked to the Hypertension Case-Finding service, however we appreciate it is not explicitly funded, however if the pharmacist detects AF during the service, they need to know what to do. Also our pharmacy teams are dispensing anti-coagulants and this course provides useful information about how they work and how to best support patients.
This course should therefore be used in conjunction with the Hypertension Case-Finding modules.
Also, don’t forget the GP Surgery Hypertension Case-Finding service module. This is designed to be shared with your local surgeries to give them an overview of the service and how they can best engage their local pharmacies. Please use this course like you have used the GP-CPCS modules.
Please Note: The service has been updated since the above training was done, therefore please take note of the updates when providing the service.