Palliative Care NL

Palliative Care Stockist Service – North Lincolnshire


NHS England on behalf of NL CCG

Service Period: 01/04/18 – extended to 31/03/25

If you require a copy of the Service Specification or Service Contract, please contact to request a copy.

Please note most service specification documents are hosted and downloadable from the PharmOutcomes Service platform.

The following extended hours pharmacies are to provide the North Lincolnshire palliative Care service:

  • Weldricks Pharmacy, The Ironstone Centre, West Street, Scunthorpe Part A & B Drugs – 01724 851195
  • Ancora Pharmacy, 291 Ashby Road Scunthorpe Part A, B & C Drugs –  01724 877100
  • Boots Pharmacy, North Lincolnshire Shopping Park, Doncaster Road, Scunthorpe Part A Drugs – 01724 848176
  • Riverside Pharmacy, Barnard Avenue, Brigg Part A Drugs – 01652 600301
  • Unity Pharmacy, Cambridge Avenue Medical Centre, Cambridge Avenue, Bottesford, Scunthorpe Part A Drugs – 01724 864138
  • Paynes Chemist, 8 High St, Kirton Lindsey, PART A,B & C Drugs – 01652 648244 (Part C drugs held due to OOH service provision – see NL OOH Palliative care Page)

North Lincolnshire Palliative Care Pharmacies and Drugs List 1.7

Please Note: Due to ongoing shortages of Diamorphine amps, some prescribers will be switching to prescribe Morphine instead of Diamorphine; therefore changes have been made to the Drug lists.

A & B Drugs list

Palliative Care – Stock Check Part A

Palliative Care – Stock Check Part B


Read your Service Specification, sign the SLA and return to commissioner. Pharmacies will be accredited to provide the service via the PharmOutcomes platform once a signed SLA has been received by the commissioner.


Guide to claiming Part A and B sites PO instructions

Guide to claiming PART A sites PO instructions

All Claims to be made Quarterly on Pharmoutcomes. The quarters are as follows: 1st April to 30th June; 1st July to 30th September; 1stOctober to 31st December and 1st January to 31st March.

The pharmacy will enter the service delivery information onto the PharmOutcomes system and invoices will be generated automatically. Payments will be made by BACS within 28 days of the submitted invoice.

Pharmacies can claim for their initial stock investment [Part A] or [Part A & Part B] as indicated in the SLA contract by completing a one-off ‘claim for date expired stock’ on PharmOutcomes.

If a medication in part A, B or C expires you will need to replace it immediately and claim for ‘Claim for date expired stock’ on PO.

If you experience any stock problem during the life of the service please report these on the relevant part A, B or part C PO platform using the ‘Report OOS’ section.