Palliative Care NEL
NHS England on behalf of NEL CCG
Service Period:
This agreement is for the period 1st October 2018 – extended to 31/03/25
If you require a copy of the Service Specification or Service Contract, please contact to request a copy.
Please note most service specification documents are hosted and downloadable from the PharmOutcomes Service platform.
NEL CCG have agreed to commissioned a service from the following NEL Pharmacies:
Part A, Part B and Part C drugs
Birkwood Pharmacy – The Saltings, Westward Ho, Grimsby – 01472 753164
Part A & B drugs
Cottinghams Pharmacy – 342 Wellington Street, Grimsby – 01472 356789
Tesco In-store Pharmacy – Market Street, Grimsby – 01472 864004
Drugs4Delivery – (OOH Service Only) – see OOA Page
28.6.2023 Access to palliative medication Flow chart – NEL – current
NEL Palliative Care Pharmacies and Drugs List during COVID-19 pandemic v1.5
Palliative Care NEL- Stock Check Part A
Palliative Care NEL – Stock Check Part B
Palliative Care NEL – Stock Check Part C
Please note the Palliative Care providers are selected by the CCG. To provide the service you will have been required to read and return the contract and familiarise yourself with the resources. Pharmacies will be accredited to provide the service on the PharmOutcomes platform once a signed SLA has been received by the commissioner.
North East Lincolnshire Palliative Care Scheme 2018 onwards PART A sites PO Guide
North East Lincolnshire Palliative Care Scheme 2018 onwards Part A and Part B sites PO guide
North East Lincolnshire Palliative Care Scheme Part A, Part B and Part C sites PO guide
All Claims to be made Quarterly on Pharmoutcomes. The quarters are as follows: 1st April to 30th June; 1st July to 30th September; 1stOctober to 31st December and 1st January to 31st March.
The pharmacy will enter the service delivery information onto the PharmOutcomes system and invoices will be generated automatically. Payments will be made by BACS within 28 days of the submitted invoice.
Pharmacies can claim for their initial stock investment [Part A] or [Part A & Part B] as indicated in the SLA contract by completing a one-off ‘claim for date expired stock’ on PharmOutcomes.
If a medication in part A, B or C expires you will need to replace it immediately and claim for ‘Claim for date expired stock’ on PO.
If you experience any stock problem during the life of the service please report these on the relevant part A, B or part C PO platform using the ‘Report OOS’ section.