Walk in Consultation Service (WiCS3) – Local Pilot

A relaunch of the popular Community Pharmacy Walk In Consultation Service (WICS) has been approved by HNYICB.

WICS3 will launch on 1st December 2024 and run until 31 March 2025.

The aim of the service is to relieve pressure across General Practice and Emergency Departments by offering screening and advice in the community for minor conditions that could take up valuable practice time and/or signpost more serious conditions in a more clinically efficient manner.

The WiCS service makes high quality appointments with a registered pharmacist available to patients across the Humber and North Yorkshire.

NHSE will circulate a contract offer to all pharmacies who express an interest.

All pharmacists intending to provide this service must ENROL on the new WiCS3 platform (once released), this can be completed in advance of providing any consultations. It is recommended that you familiarise yourself with the WiCS3 service platform prior to delivering the service.

A paper consultation template has also been created and added to the platform which can be downloaded and printed for use.

Supporting documentation (Annex D and Service specification) have also been added to the PharmOutcomes platform to support you.

Key points to note:

  • The WiCS service is based on the same principles as the traditional Pharmacy First minor ailment consultation service. The key difference between WiCS and Pharmacy First minor conditions service, is that a patient can access the local WiCS service through self-referral when accessing a pharmacy for advice.
  • This service does NOT rely on a referral being raised by an external party.
  • Each consultation MUST be delivered by a pharmacist.

The following video explains how the Pharmacy First and WiCS service fit together:

If you would like to sign up to provide the WiCS3 service, please complete the expression of interest form below:

Expressions of Interest Sought:

Service period: 1st December 2024 – 31 March 2025.

The service follows the format of the national Pharmacy First Minor Illness service, however the route into the local WICS service is via direct self-referral from the patient or via the community pharmacy team.

The following fees have been agreed for the service:

Consultation Fee
WiCS Consultation: £15/consultation in line with the national Pharmacy First Minor Illness service
WiCS Consultation which results in a MAS referral: £10.90/consultation
WiCS Consultation which results in a referral into a Pharmacy First Clinical Pathway £0.00 (payment will be via the relevant pathway)

Please complete the EOI form below to express your interest in delivering the service.

A contract offer will be sent out to pharmacies wishing to engage.

Any questions about the pilot should be directed to: humber.lpc@nhs.net

WiCS3 EOI form - 2024