(PURMS) Pharmacy Urgent Repeat Medication Supply Service – Hull
Many thanks to those who have engaged with this service, please ensure any outstanding claims get submitted promptly by the end date.
NHS England on behalf of Hull CCG
Service Period:
01/04/2018 – extended to 31/03/24
If you require a copy of the Service Specification or Service Contract, please contact humber.lpc@nhs.net to request a copy.
Please note most service specification documents are hosted and downloadable from the PharmOutcomes Service platform.
See section B5 for the PURMS Service
Purpose of the Service:
The purpose of the Community Pharmacy Emergency Supply Service is to ensure that patients can access an urgent supply of their regular prescription medicines where they are unable to obtain a prescription before they need to take their next dose. The service may be needed because the patient has run out of a medicine, or because they have lost or damaged their medicines, or because they have left home without them. The aim of this service is to relieve pressure on urgent and emergency care services and general practitioner appointments at times of high demand.
In an emergency, a pharmacist can supply prescription only medicines (POMs) to a patient(who has previously been prescribed the requested POM) without a prescription at the request of the patient. This emergency supply is not an NHS service and patients may therefore be asked to pay the cost of the medicine. This can lead to some patients seeking supplies or emergency prescriptions from urgent or emergency care providers. This service will allow the supply of a medicine at NHS expense where the pharmacist deems that the patient has immediate need for the medicine and that it is impractical to obtain a prescription without undue delay (such as when demand for urgent appointments is very high).
This service may be commissioned using the provisions within the Human Medicines Regulations 2012 which allow pharmacists to make emergency supplies, subject to certain conditions.
Patients must be registered with a Hull or East Riding GP.
Service Period: Between the hours of 6 pm and 8 am Monday to Friday, Weekends and Bank Holidays.
The service can then be accessed via PharmOutomes under NHS England – Urgent Repeat Medicines.