Minor Ailment Service Hull

COVID-19 Amendments to service:

Telephone consultation allowed


NHS England on behalf of Hull CCG

Service Period:

01/04/2018 – extended to 31/03/25

If you require a copy of the Service Specification or Service Contract, please contact humber.lpc@nhs.net to request a copy.

Please note most service specification documents are hosted and downloadable from the PharmOutcomes Service platform.


See section B3 for the Minor Ailment Service


Providers of Hull Minor Ailment Service as at June 2022



Please read the MAS service booklet carefully before providing the service.

Condition monographs contained in the service booklet, reflected up to date NICE clinical knowledge summaries (CKS) as available at that time of writing.

Several monographs may no longer reflect the latest CKS guidance, therefore it is essential that all staff involved in provision of the service keep their CPD knowledge up to date in line with latest CKS advice and evidence.


All claims to be submitted via the PharmOutcomes platform.

All payment claims will be submitted via the PharmOutcomes automated mechanism on the 5th day of the month.

Minor Ailment pad update 2023:

Hull CCG no longer provide Minor Ailment pads, however a printable form is available on the PO platform.